
Any type of model: wall-mounted, light, modular and certified, able to satisfy the needs of individuals, business activities and companies of any size.

Parma Smart Tech

The Parma Smart Cash Management system caters to retail (shops) and commercial entities in general, to medium and large retailers, the franchising sales network, gaming halls, CIT (cash-in-transit), banks and insurance companies. It aims to ensure the effective management and active protection of money.

Parma smarttech products are made in exclusive partnership with Yougo, an innovative Italian technology company with specific know-how consolidated over decades of experience in offering automation and cash-handling solutions.


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Thanks to a web connection, a unit that is always connected locally (LAN and WLAN) and remotely (ADSL and GPRS/UMTS), can provide more efficient management of safe deposit activities and direct bank of accreditation to the current account of the operator.

The strong and secure structure of Parma smarttech safes is a real deterrent against theft or robbery; the incorporated banknote validator ensures security: the banknotes, if properly accepted and validated, are collected in a bag or in a self-sealing envelope.

Their advanced technology makes Parma smarttech products easy to customise and integrate with any existing platform, to satisfy the various functions required for the management of cash and the shop.

The Parma Smart Cash Management system assists the operator in the daily management of money and has many advantages, such as:

  • handling cash payments as simply as a POS
  • facilitating final and partial cash balancing operations
  • identifying and tracking people who interact with the system (user, administrator and security guards)
  • making the withdrawal and the transport of cash safe and economical
  • acting as a deterrent to robberies and thefts
  • making it more difficult for disloyal employees to justify any losses of cash
  • optimising cash management in all shops using network applications that monitor retail collection


one of the Smallest Smart Safe
one touch cash handling from customer to bank
one by One validation, counting and cash deposit in a stacking bag

u-one è un dispositivo di deposito one by one con dimensioni contenute che permette di
validare, contare e depositare in sacco impilato (optional).
La sua versatilità lo rende funzionale, sia in una postazione di checkout come aiuto della cassiera durante la gestione della cassa tradizionale sia in un backoffice come classico “smartsafe”.

Le banconote vengono validate, contate, impilate in un sacco (optional)
sigillato anti manomissione e depositate in cassaforte.
Può essere personalizzato ed integrato con qualsiasi sistema esistente.
Il software di monitoraggio consente il controllo remoto di tutte le transazioni
e di tutti gli eventi occorsi, attraverso un browser.

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u-one è divisa in due parti, TOP e SAFE

il TOP valida e conta le banconote che una volta che arrivano nella cassaforte cambiano proprietario: solo coloro che sono autorizzati possono accedere alla cassaforte e rimuovere i contanti o il sacco preventivamente sigillato. In caso di jam dovuto a inserimento improprio del feeder del TOP, i cassieri possono
facilmente intervenire e rimuovere il jam, il tutto senza toccare la cassaforte.